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All About Coffee

Kite Coffee Grind Guide

Not sure which coffee grind type is right for you? Check out our simple Grind Guide.

Kite Coffee freshly grinds your coffee to order. 



What is the SCA score assigned to each coffee?

The Specialty Coffee Association (SCA)  is a non-profit, membership-based organization that represents thousands of coffee professionals, from producers to baristas all over the world. 

Standards can be great tools for the coffee industry as they are trusted reference instruments established by knowledgeable subject-matter experts. An SCA standard is a high-quality recommendation by the Standards Committee. It is a quantifiable measure, based upon scientific testing, which set values and/or ranges of values for coffee. Currently, the SCA has standards for water, green coffee, and cupping coffee.

The widely accepted definition of “specialty” coffee is coffee scoring 80 points or above on the 100-point Coffee Review scale. 

We provide the SCA score for each of our coffees. All our coffees have received an 80+ score, assuring you of the quality of our products.